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Yener Coskun

Yener Coskun, Assoc. Prof., have currently both government experience and academic background. He has been working for Capital Markets Board of Turkey since 1995 by specifically focusing on investment banking, institutional investments, REITs, and other capital market activities. At the academic side, his research areas are financial economics and housing macroeconomy. Yener spent 10 months at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (2002–2003), as a visiting scholar and 9 months in University of Sheffield (2018-2019) as a post-doctoral researcher. He awarded MSc in Banking at Gazi University (Turkey) in 2007 and Ph.D. in real estate development at Ankara University (Turkey) in 2013. He awarded associate professor title (docent) in finance from Council of Higher Education of Turkey in 2018. Selected previous international professional/academic experiences of Coskun were member of RICS (MRICS), consultative member of RICS Sustainability Task Force Europe, acting chair for European Real Estate Society (ERES) Ph.D. Student Committee (in 2010-2013), and deputy chairman of the Education Committee of The Association of Appraisal Expert of Turkey (in 2017). Dr. Coskun was visiting lecturer for University of Sarajevo (2012-2013), Izmir University of Economics (2012-2016), Middle East Technical University (2017), University of Ljubljana (2018), and University of Sheffield (2019). He currently holds visiting lecturer positions at and TED University, Turkey (2019-2020). He has three published books, several peer-reviewed (in journals&books) and professional articles in finance, real estate finance and housing macroeconomics. Among others, his studies published in Housing Studies, Emerging Markets Review and Empirical Economics. He has various awards from different institutions such as The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Emerald and Federation of Turkish Philatelic Federation. Dr. Coskun holds local professional designations related to capital markets and real estate appraisal. As the scientific responsibilities, he contributes as reviewer and editorial & advisory board members in journals/conferences. Coskun currently edits two books (from Springer and Seckin Publication) on real estate valuation & finance.