Rusnė Jegelavičiūtė
Rusnė Jegelavičiūtė has graduated from the studies of business administration and management and finance. In 2021 defended her PhD human resources and personnel management in University of Alexander Dubcek in Trenčin, Slovakia. Fields of scientific interest: leadership, real estate markets, property valuation. Since 2015 started working as valuation-assistant in one of the largest property valuation companies in Lithuania “Lituka” ir Ko, Ltd. Assisted valuer in preparing real estate and business valuation reports, property reviews and market researches. From 2020 become certificated real estate and business valuator. In the last years, Jegelavičiūtė was focusing on property valuation, participated in preparation of market approach correction coefficients expert surveys. Contributed to preparation of “Methodology for calculating the economic depreciation of real estate”. Published several articles related to the issues of property valuation (Navickas, Valentinas; Šaudys, Audrius; Jegelavičiūtė Rusnė. Comparative approach application in value assessment of land areas in Lithuania // Vadyba = Journal of management / Lietuvos verslo kolegija. Klaipėda: Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla. ISSN 1648-7974. 2017, Nr. 1(30), p. 67–72.; Jegelavičiūtė, Rusnė; Čiburienė, Jadvyga. Data sharing – way to improve real estate valuation quality: Lithuanian case // Social and economic revue = Sociálno-ekonomická revue. Trenčin: Alexander Dubček University of Trenčin. ISSN 1336-3727. 2017, vol. 18, no. 1., p. 53-58; Jegelavičiūtė, Rusnė; Rimkevičiūtė, Raminta. Lyginamojo metodo pataisos kriterijų įtaka gyvenamosios paskirties turto vertei // Turto vertinimo teorijos ir praktikos apybraižos/Lietuvos turto vertintojų asociacija ir Vilniaus universiteto Ekonomikos fakultetas. ISSN 2335-2310, 2015, p. 52–59); Emilia Krajnakova; Rusne Jegelaviciute; Valentinas Navickas. The economic factors influence on real estate market development // AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2018, Vol. 8, No. 2. ISSN 2464-6733; Vytautas Snieska; Valentinas Navickas; Rusne Jegelaviciute. The interaction between the migration of human resources and the prices of housing: Lithuanian case // Transformations in business & economics = Verslo ir ekonomikos transformacijos. Vilnius: Vilnius University. ISSN 1648-4460. 2019, vol. 18, iss. 1(46), p. 42-56; Jegelavičiūtė, Rusnė, Valentinas Navickas. Choosing optimal business valuation method: Lithuanian case // Social and economic revue = Sociálno-ekonomická revue. Trenčin: Alexander Dubček University of Trenčin. ISSN 1336-3727. 2019, vol. 17, no. 1.